HP 8924E CDMA Test Set
Want a really cheep Service Monitor? The 8924E was
originally made for CDMA testing but it will work as an economy Service
Monitor also. It will generate and receive RF with FM, AM or SSB from
30* MHZ to 1000MHz. * We have some units that have the mechanical input
module and will work from 0.4MHz to 1000MHz. The 30MHz-1000MHz will
actually work much lower - (to 2 MHz) but the accuracy drops off. At 6
MHz, the generator will be about 6 db off. The 8924E really has only 1
screen that you can use for a service monitor. Its the Analog
Measurement screen. From this single screen, you can generate, receive
RF, modulate with AM, FM, SSB, read the power of your input RF signal.
(the power input is limited to 3 watts or we can upgrade it to read 60
watts continous for $250. extra) It will read your modulation /
deviation also. These units use a high stability frequency reference.
These do not have a spectrum analyzer. It was available as option 102.
The limited time price of the 8924E is $700. with a 90 day warranty and